Intelligent Technologies for Knowledge Oriented Organizations

Duration: 01/2007-12/2009
Grant: VEGA No. 2/7098/27

Project of IKT IISAS
Project proposal


An important aspect in building knowledge economy is an ability of organizations to assess their knowledge capital. Technologies and knowledge are becoming a key factor in productivity growth. This is the reason why companies support knowledge management projects in their organizations and strive to use their knowledge management to the largest possible extent. The objective of the project is to support companies heading towards the knowledge economy by extending existing and creating new models, algorithms, technologies and tools that can help organizations in their transition to a knowledge oriented corporation. Such transition should be preceded by an analysis and processing of information resources in organizations including documents, electronic communication and databases in an effect to manage and create availability and sharing of relevant information and knowledge. The project focuses in particular on the areas of knowledge modeling, service oriented architectures, distributed knowledge bases, semantic annotation, knowledge mining, case based reasoning and statistical methods. Special attention is devoted to processing of information resources in the Slovak language, where techniques based on neural networks and ontologies will be used.
